Our advisors are available to take your calls for the services listed below from 8am until 7pm, Monday to Friday (excluding Bank Holidays and Christmas). Please see below for exceptions. 

Service Telephone number Opening hours

Adult social care gateway team 0300 123 7034 Opening times 

Benefits (including Housing Benefit and Council Tax Reduction) 0300 123 7 021 8am - 7pm (Monday - Friday)

Blue badges 0300 123 7 040 8am - 7pm (Monday - Friday)

Building control 0300 123 7 027 8am - 7pm (Monday - Friday)

Business rates 0300 123 7 023 9am - 5pm (Monday - Friday)

Childrens Services 0300 123 8 123 (please say 'Children's' when prompted) 8am - 7pm (Monday - Friday)

Cemeteries and crematoria 01244 972428 9am - 4pm (Monday - Friday)

Charisma card 0300 123 7044 8am - 7pm (Monday - Friday)

Community wardens 101 for non-emergencies and 999 for emergencies (please click on ‘community wardens’ for further information) 24 hour

Concessionary travel 0300 123 7 025 8am - 7pm (Monday - Friday)

Council and democracy 0300 123 7 028 8am - 7pm (Monday - Friday)

Council tax 0300 123 7 022 8am - 7pm (Monday - Friday)

Environmental health (including pest control) 0300 123 7 038 8am - 7pm (Monday - Friday)

Fraud hotline 0300 123 7 030 8am - 6pm (Monday - Friday)

HELP (Local welfare assistance) 0300 123 7065 9am - 5pm (Monday - Friday)

Highways 0300 123 7 036 8am - 7pm (Monday - Friday)

Housing solutions advice line 0300 123 2442. 9am - 5pm (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday)

1pm-5pm (Wednesday)

Parish council hotline 0300 123 7 049 8am - 7pm (Monday - Friday)

Parking (general enquiries) 0300 123 7 024 8am - 7pm (Monday - Friday)

Payments 0300 123 7 029 24 hours, 7 days a week

Planning and building control 0300 123 7027 8am - 7pm (Monday - Friday)

Press and media enquiries 01244 972216 8am - 6pm (Monday - Friday)

Registration of births, marriages and deaths 0300 123 7 037 8am - 7pm (Monday - Friday)

Schools and free school meals 0300 123 7 039 8am - 7pm (Monday - Friday)

Streetscene 0300 123 7 026 8am - 7pm (Monday - Friday)

Waste collection 0300 123 7 026 8am - 7pm (Monday - Friday)

Waste permit, Neston HWRC

0300 123 7 042 8am - 7pm (Monday - Friday)

General enquiries 0300 123 8 123 8am - 7pm (Monday - Friday)

If you call our switchboard number, 0300 1238 123, you will be asked to say the name of the service or department you need by our ‘virtual agent’, who will then transfer you direct to that service line. If you’re not sure which service or department you need – please see the list above. If it is not listed you will be transferred to a customer service representative who will assist you with your enquiry.

Calls to 0300 numbers are charged at local rates whether from landlines, mobile phones or payphones. They are included as part of any inclusive minutes or discounts.

Information accurate as of 6 years ago